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Film Digitizing

At Two Feathers Collaboration, we are delighted to offer our clients the invaluable service of preserving cherished memories for eternity. As time marches on, the delicate threads of our past can fade, making it difficult to recall the intricate details of moments shared and loved ones lost. Recognizing the significance of these memories, we are committed to safeguarding them for generations to come.

Our passion for storytelling is at the heart of our mission. We understand that history is more than just a sequence of events—it is a rich tapestry woven from the fabric of memories and stories.


That's why we offer comprehensive services to convert old film reels, slides, and photographs into high-resolution digital formats. Whether it's 8mm, super 8mm, or 35mm film, we can transform these nostalgic treasures into .mov or .mp4 files, ready to be stored securely on a Google Drive, computer, device, or hard drive.

Understanding the sentimental value of memories and the fragility of their physical formats, we go above and beyond to provide peace of mind to our clients. Here on the Central Coast, we offer in-house local film-to-digital conversions, ensuring a convenient and reliable in-person service for our community, sparing our clients the need to entrust their precious memories to the mail.

One project that epitomizes our commitment to preserving memories is the heartfelt slideshow and video we crafted to memorialize the treasured moments of Robert Streeter. Being entrusted with the task of commemorating his life was a genuine privilege, and through our collaborative efforts, we created a tribute that honors his legacy and brings solace to his loved ones.

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